The fact is that there are many women these days who are carrying a firearm for personal defense. Most of the products geared toward carrying a weapon are geared toward men, and many of these women are finding that it can be a difficult proposition for them to find a way that is secure, concealable, and comfortable enough for them to continue to carry. The fact is that not everyone, male or female has the attitude that carrying a gun is supposed to comforting, if not comfortable, and quit carrying because it is a hassle. I have put some thought into this subject, and while I don't hav all ther answers...I will try my best to help.
1. Get a belt-- The fact of the matter is that a good belt is the foundation for carrying a weapon on your belt. A cheap belt has the tendency to stretch and twist, with the added weight of the gun and allows your gun/holster to tilt out making it harder if not impossible to conceal. Most belts made for supporting a holster are straight, and for that rason really do not fit a woman properly. The secret to getting a good belt that will fit a womans ody id getting a cont.ured belt. A contoured belt is one that has a gentle curve to it when laid out flat on a table. Galco, Ted Blocker, and several other companies make a good contoured gun belt. Galcos are probably the dressiest looking, and are tapered in the front.
2. Get a holster-- Getting a holster is the next obvious thing right? But this can also be aggravating as again, most holsters are designed by men, for men. There are a few designs the do work well though. Holsters listed as being offset usually do not, as they generally tilt out a lot on a womans hip and do not lend themselves to concealment. In the waistband or tuckable holsters seem to be a better bet as many of the are more flexible and will fit the contours of a womans body better. Holster like the Galco "King Tuk" or Crossbreed Holsters "Supertuck" line are great examples of these. Keep in mind though, depending on how your jeans fit at the waist you may have to go one size bigger o keep from being uncomfortable.
3. Off Body Carry-- Another possibility is off body carry, like a purse or fanny pack. While there are certain circumstances where off body carry is necessary if you wish to go armed, (say you are going to a formal event or somewhere you need or want to wear a dress that does not have the possibility of carrying on your waistline) I would say they are few and far between. I generally discourage people, men and women from carrying off body. There are security issues that go along with off body carry. Not the least of which is the purse in the case of women is a target for muggers. If a mugger/robber is able to get that purse off of your shoulder, not only does he have your credit cards, ID, money, and keys....he also now has your gun. The same goes for a fanny pack. The other issue I see coming up is most women in my experience have a tendency to come home, toss the purse in a chair or on the table and forget about it, there is a loaded gun in there, and now anyone who grabs the purse has access to the gun. While there are purses that have locking zippers for the gun compartment, this still is not as secure as a lockbox or safe for your gun to be stored in. If off body carry is a necessary evil for you, there are companies that can help. Galco, the Concealment Shop, Gun Totin Mamas, and Coronado leather all carry CCW purses. Gun totin Mamas is probably the most fashionable, and affordable amongst these places....but a coach purse they are not. You may have to sacrifice a little fashion in order to be armed.
I have been carrying concealed for about ten years now, and one thing I have learned is nothing is a magic combination for carrying. I have a stack of holsters from over the years and I have sold more than I still own. It has taken me a long time to figure out a simple belt holster is the best for me in most cases, and maketake you a bit to figure out what works for you as well. Good luck, have fun shopping!
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